...Starry Nights...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Week One Day Three

The Beginning 

I must say that I never thought i could be this sore from working out in my life! At work this past Sunday they started The Biggest Loser Yoder's Style. Anyone who wants to lose some weight can join, but here's the catch, you have to pay $50 when you sign up. All the money then goes towards prize money at the end for whoever wins first, second, and third. 

Sitting at the conference room table on Sunday, and looking around seeing 16 other people who are going to try their hardest to win the $500 made me realize this was going to be a long 10 weeks, but well worth it of course. 

My Plan Of Attack

I decided to take the hard road and cut out all sugar, white flour, most fruits and only drink water. So basically that leaves me with meat, veggies, and water. Oh joy. 
I decided also that I'm going to try my hardest to work out every day for at least an hour. I've succeeded in my goal so far, but it hasn't been the easiest. 

My Competitors

It's only day three but already I know there is going to be some good competition. I also think that there are going to be people that aren't going to last all of the ten weeks. People that think that you can eat pancakes and peanut butter and still lose weight make me laugh. 
But we'll see how the weigh in on Sunday turns out. :)


Blogger ~shannon~ said...

YEA! it works!

i know one thing for sure...
you will beat brian! he ate 2 whole bags of movie butter flavored popcorn last night... by himself!

good luck!
and welcome to the blogger world...
it's great fun!

January 22, 2009 at 11:25 AM  

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